Project Studies

The following are descriptions of selected studies which represent a small sample of the types of projects that CIC Research undertakes.  The firm's major areas of professional competence include regional economics, land economics, market potential analysis, sales forecasting, scientific and opinion surveying.   Summaries are periodically updated.

Transportation Research

Atlanta Placement Rate Surveys

Client -- CTE, Center for Transportation and the Environment

Work Content --CIC staff worked in conjunction with the project team to refine all previous versions of the survey instrument that were designed to measure alternate mode placements for the Atlanta area rideshare organization, Commute Connections. CIC staff developed the sampling frame and assisted Commute Connections staff in providing pertinent statistics from the application database. Recent" applicants were called using CIC’s CATI system. The data were weighted to represent the Commute Connections’ database participants. Upon request frequency and crosstabulation runs were provided to the project team. From the final survey data CIC calculated analysis variables for use in emissions reduction formulas, developed and delivered a survey technical report, and provided the survey data and documentation to the project team members.

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New Jersey Placement Rate Surveys for 8 TMAs

Client -- LDA Consulting on behalf of the New Jersey Department of Transportation

Work Content --CIC's primary responsibility was to conduct a survey of respondents by obtaining sample from eight TMA rideshare programs in New Jersey. A total of 200 completed surveys were gathered randomly from the sample provided for each TMA. The main focus of the survey was to assess the effectiveness of the assistance delivered by all New Jersey Department of Transportation funded TMAs. For each TMA, a placement rate, defined as the percent of commuters who requested assistance and then shifted to a commute alternative, was determined. Tasks involved in the completion of the study included the following: collect sample from the RidePro software system from TMAs using a wide variety of electronic media, clean the sample eliminating duplicate IDs, conduct telephone interviews obtaining 200 for each TMA, and produce individualized final reports for each TMA containing the placement rate.

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TDM Evaluation - Placement Rate Survey

Client -- LDA Consulting on behalf of the metropolitain Washington Council of Governments

Work Content --This project represents a continuation of work performed for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG). This part of the project evaluation study has included an on-going series of placement rate surveys. The placement rate surveys were designed to evaluate the Commuter Connections service areas and to contribute to established goals and air quality regulations in the Washington, D.C. area. This study represented the eleventh in a series of surveys performed by the study team of LDA Consulting and CIC Research, Inc.. Surveys were completed utilizing CIC's CATI system. Results were analyzed using SAS statistical software. Findings from the studies were presented to COG in the form of data in a SAS system file and a technical report detailing the survey methodologies and data highlights.

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